Encyclopaedic dictionary of physics : general, nuclear, solid state, molecular, chemical, metal and vacuum physics, astronomy, geophysics, biophysics and related subjects / editor -in-chief J. Thewlis.
Material type: TextLanguage: English Publication details: Oxford : Pergamon Press, 1961-1964.Subject(s): DDC classification:- 530.03 23
V. 1. A to combensated bars -- v. 2. Compensator to epicadmium neutrons -- v. 3. Epitaxy to intermediate image -- v. 4. Intermediate state to neutron resonance level -- v. 4. Supplementary volume -- v. 5. Neutron scattering to radiation constants -- v. 6. Radiation (continuous) to stellar luminosity -- v. 7. Stellar magnitude to zwitter ion -- v. 8. Subject and author indexes -- v. 9. Multilingual glossary.
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