Ενιαίος Κατάλογος Σχολικών Βιβλιοθηκών Κύπρου 
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Behind the shadow / an original work by Donna Bagiazidou ... [ et. al.] ; illustrated by Angeliki Matsi ; edited by Ana T. Lopez.

Συντελεστής(ές): Τύπος υλικού: ΚείμενοΚείμενοΓλώσσα: Αγγλικά Λεπτομέρειες δημοσίευσης: Nicosia : [s.n.], 2015.Περιγραφή: 60 p. : ill. ; 21 cmΘέμα(τα): Ταξινόμηση DDC:
  • 23 302.343
Περίληψη: Welcome to Howard High Sxhool. Here, like most teenagers, the students are working to find their place an passion in the world, and hitting a few snags along the way. A perfect storm brews with the arrival of a new, bright student and a very important science competition. As relations disintegrate, the student body faces an issue we all must contend with : bullying. Some act as bystanders, some feel the weight of victiimization, and some enact the vullying themselves. How will Howard High rise above the damage of bullying? How do you relate to the story? This story is the work of the students of the Advanced English class at the Faneromeni Gymnasium in the heart of Nicosia, Cyprus. To raise their voices about bullying and spark discussion as to what can by done about it in their own community, they have translated their experiences into this fictional tale. It is equipped as a guide to facilitate similar discussions in schools worldwide.
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Τύπος τεκμηρίου Τρέχουσα βιβλιοθήκη Συλλογή Ταξιθετικός αριθμός Αριθμός αντιτύπου Κατάσταση Σημειώσεις Γραμμοκώδικας
Books Books Λύκειο Βεργίνας CYPR Collection 302.343 BEH (Περιήγηση στο ράφι(Άνοιγμα παρακάτω)) 1 Διαθέσιμο LVL00007036
Books Books Λύκειο Κύκκος Α' (Λευκωσία) CYPR Collection 302.343 BEH (Περιήγηση στο ράφι(Άνοιγμα παρακάτω)) 1 Διαθέσιμο ΧΑΡΤΟΔ KAL00019374
Books Books Νικολαΐδειο Γυμνάσιο CYPR Collection 155.5 BEH (Περιήγηση στο ράφι(Άνοιγμα παρακάτω)) 1 Διαθέσιμο NGP00002172
Books Books Περιφερειακό Λύκειο Λιβαδιών MAIN 302.343 BEH (Περιήγηση στο ράφι(Άνοιγμα παρακάτω)) 1 Διαθέσιμο LPL00005010
Books Books Σεβέρειος Βιβλιοθήκη - Παγκύπριο Γυμνάσιο Ground Floor MAIN 302.343 BEH (Περιήγηση στο ράφι(Άνοιγμα παρακάτω)) Διαθέσιμο έκδ. 2015 SEV00073853

Welcome to Howard High Sxhool. Here, like most teenagers, the students are working to find their place an passion in the world, and hitting a few snags along the way. A perfect storm brews with the arrival of a new, bright student and a very important science competition. As relations disintegrate, the student body faces an issue we all must contend with : bullying. Some act as bystanders, some feel the weight of victiimization, and some enact the vullying themselves. How will Howard High rise above the damage of bullying? How do you relate to the story?
This story is the work of the students of the Advanced English class at the Faneromeni Gymnasium in the heart of Nicosia, Cyprus. To raise their voices about bullying and spark discussion as to what can by done about it in their own community, they have translated their experiences into this fictional tale. It is equipped as a guide to facilitate similar discussions in schools worldwide.

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